Thursday, June 29, 2017

Yes, It's Going to be Another Quilt and a Pillow!

Lori and I are at it again!  Soo really got us going as well.  This twin-sized will be the major raffle prize to raise funds for a local ministry entitled "Carry On Bags.*"  

"Courthouse Steps"

It now has an appointment to be machine quilted.

Yes, there will be an accompanying pillow.   And here it is.

*(This ministry provides weekend food for youngsters needing a boost over the weekend prior to coming to school on Mondays. The supposition is that adequately fed children will approach their school days in a better physical and mental state and perform better scholastically.)

The raffle will take place this coming Saturday, November 18 at 10:00.  The winners need not be present to win.

Beginning at the end of August, the quilt and information was displayed in our Public Library, three local banks, the Civic Center, the Courthouse (naturally), a restaurant (Revelations), and now at Cambridge.  We have given presentations at local community organizations and some churches.  It has been a "wild ride!"  But fun.

Several local businesses have also donated prizes.  Now I need to contact the local newspaper to see if they would publish a picture and a list of all the businesses supporting the raffle with prizes.

Isn't this great??

SG and Lori